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Author: The Freshplan

When to Order Home Delivery Meal Kits: Weekly or Monthly?

Home delivery meal kits offer several benefits, from convenience to saving time. At the same time, it allows you to enjoy healthy and hearty meals.

But one thing most people overlook when ordering these kits is whether to get them weekly or monthly. With about 30% to 40% of food going to waste in the average household, you want to consider getting as much as you need without too much hassle.

So, here’s a quick guide on what to consider before deciding if you want to get meal kits delivered to you weekly or monthly.

Storage Space

The first thing you should look out for is the amount of storage space you have at home. Meal kits come in bulk, and even more so when you live with other people. So, it’s crucial to have enough fridge and pantry space for them.

Keep in mind that some fully prepared meals come cooked. While it’s the most convenient, it means you have to store them in the fridge to avoid spoilage. You can also look into the ingredients to ensure it doesn’t contain anything that would go bad too quickly.

If you aren’t sure about how much space you have, take your time to clean or clear up your space. This way, you can gauge how many kits it can handle.

Value for Money

When you look for the best meal prep service, one thing you want to look at is the cost. Some tend to offer a cheaper price per serving when you get a longer subscription or order additional kits, allowing you to boost your savings.

Even so, you want to consider whether their meals offer good value for money, especially when it comes to the portions and ingredients.

Recipe Variety

The meals you get from your provider may or may not be the same every time. While most services offer different options, it’s good to know how many recipes they have available. If you’re leaning towards a monthly subscription, check their menu to see if you might get duplicate meal kits on different days.

Most recommend a plan that offers a different meal for every day of the month to keep you interested. At the same time, it gives you more options to choose from when you decide to go for a weekly plan instead.

Household Servings

The amount of servings you need will determine how often you can place orders. It’s because more servings will take up more space in your home or affect what recipes you can get.

For example, if you live with five other people, you need at least 15 meal kits in a day. In this case, monthly delivery would be hard to handle due to the amount of kits to store and manage throughout.

Find Out When to Subscribe to Home Delivery Meal Kits

You can enjoy lots of benefits with home delivery meal kits. But beyond this, it’s important to know whether it’s best to subscribe to it weekly or monthly. By understanding this, you can prepare your space accordingly while reducing the amount of food that goes to waste!

Understanding Calories and How Many You Need

When it comes to food, one of the first things you might think of is calories. You hear about it from almost everywhere food is involved- restaurants, nutrition labels, blogs, and even apps!

But when you pick a meal kit service plan, would you know how many calories you need for each meal? That’s what we’ll talk about in this article!

Keep reading to find out more about calories and learn how understanding calories helps you decide on fully prepared meals.

What are Calories?

Simply put, calories refer to the amount of energy you can get from food. These are locked in the food and break down once you eat it, later converting it into energy. The body requires this to function, whether you’re on a long run or just breathing.

Almost everything you consume has a calorie count, whether it’s as little as a single calorie to a hundred or thousands. When understanding calories, you should focus on your energy balance, wherein the calories you consume line up with the calories you burn.

Through this, you can determine what steps to take when managing weight while keeping up with a healthy diet.

Where Do Calories Come From?

Energy from food primarily comes from three major sources called macronutrients. Keep in mind that they offer a different number of calories per gram, so the amount of energy you receive will vary.

When you subscribe to a meal prep service, you can expect each meal to come with the necessary nutrients while following a consistent calorie amount. The following are the three macronutrients to look out for:


When focusing on weight loss, many people tend to distance themselves from carbohydrates. But contrary to popular belief, they play a bigger role in fueling your body.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, or sugar, needed for your brain, nervous system, and red blood cells. Depending on the type of carbs you consume, it can provide long-lasting energy.

Moreover, they come from different sources aside from the typical idea of bread and rice. You can find carbs in whole fruits, vegetables, or simple table sugar.


Besides boosting energy, fats contribute to your health by providing vitamins that protect your vital organs and insulate the body. Compared to the carbs, these are packed tightly and stored in larger amounts. This way, they can offer long-term energy storage.

Because of this, fats offer the highest number of calories per gram. Additionally, it makes it ideal for prolonged activities, such as walking or riding a bike.

These can be found in lots of food, including dairy, fish, oil, and more. Keep in mind that healthy fats are different, so it’s best to evaluate the content before you consider them in your meal.


The body can gather energy from protein but generally uses this macronutrient to maintain muscles and repair tissues, among other effects. So, your body will likely use carbs and fats for fuel before moving to protein.

When you consume a good amount of carbohydrates and fats, you can spare protein from being used to fuel your body. A few foods with high protein content are meat, eggs, nuts, dairy, and more.

How Many Calories Do You Need?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that the recommended daily calorie intake ranges from 1,600 to 3,000 calories for adults between the ages of 19 to 59.

In most cases, fully prepared meals give you the option to pick your calorie amount and fit your meals accordingly. This way, the service helps you maintain your calorie intake.

However, it’s important to consider that the amount changes based on your age, weight, and height. It can also vary if you experience certain specific health conditions that require you to consume more or less of different nutrients.

Additionally, other factors can determine how many calories you would be best consuming per day based on how much your body burns. It includes your metabolism, physical activity, and body functions.

Understanding Calories for Fully Prepared Meals

Some fully prepared meal services allow you to choose a plan based on your daily calorie intake. This way, you can maintain your overall health and weight without feeling too restricted.

Moreover, understanding calories helps you get an idea of what works better for your meals, helping you select a meal prep service that fits your needs.

Understanding the Nutrition Plate Template: How Does It Work?

A balanced diet goes beyond having a little bit of everything. For the best results, you also want to consider how much of everything you have on your plate.

One recommendation you might often get is to follow the nutrition plate template. But what exactly is it, and how can you comply?

Let’s look into what it’s about and how to make it work for you!

Defining the Nutrition Plate Template

Generally, the nutrition plate is a visual template that shows a healthy way to fill your plate for every meal, color-coded accordingly. While everyone’s recommended diet may differ, it represents a general guideline of the healthiest way to eat for anyone, regardless of other restrictions.

Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to look exactly the way it should on the plate. Rather, it emphasizes the portions you should consume for each food group. This way, you can pay better attention to the nutritional value you receive without worrying too much about the numbers.

Two popular nutrition plate templates used are MyPlate, issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Healthy Eating Plate, created by experts at Harvard. There are debates about which model works best, but they showcase a similar idea of what you should consume.

Main Components of the Nutrition Plate Template

Knowing how the nutrition plate template looks gives you an idea of what to include in your meal. But for better results, you want to know what falls under each category. This way, you can incorporate it in your own way.

Here’s a look at its major components:


On the first half of the plate, you might notice fruits taking up about a third of it. These provide you with vitamins and minerals in bigger amounts than what you can usually gain from other food groups.

Many recommend having whole fruit in this portion for higher nutritional value. At the same time, it gives more color to your plate and allows you to enhance or improve flavors accordingly.


Vegetables take up the remaining two-thirds of one-half of the plate. This makes it the largest section in the nutrition plate template.

Different kinds of veggies offer a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, they are naturally low in calories and high in fiber.

Experts suggest selecting veggies that each offer something different. Take your time to figure out which works best with each other and how to come up with the best balance.


The other half of the plate is divided into two sections, one of them dedicated to proteins. These help you build your body and maintain your muscles and tissues.

Note that protein doesn’t always have to be meat. It also includes seafood, eggs, tofu, nuts, and select veggies.


The last portion of the plate should be filled with grains. Experts usually recommend whole grains for higher nutrition and fiber content, improving your metabolic health. It can include whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, or quinoa.


According to the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate, you want to add healthy fats and beverages on the side. Healthy fats include olive oil, avocado, or nuts, and should be consumed moderately.

Furthermore, your plate should always come with a good drink to maintain hydration. Some of the best options include water, tea, and sugar-free drinks.

On the other hand, the MyPlate structure requires dairy instead. You can add it to your meal, such as cheese, or take it as a side, like a milk drink or yogurt fruit smoothie.

How to Make It Work

Anyone can follow the nutrition plate template as long as they understand the proper portions for each food group. This way, you can get the best results while maintaining overall health.

Meal kit services are a great solution to this transition since it offers you fully prepared and balanced meals. So, you won’t have to worry about missing out on your intake.

A 2019 study finds that following the nutrition plate template contributes to weight loss and feeling fuller. Aside from this, it offers more health benefits by improving your consumption and eating habits.

With meal kits, you can easily keep up with this, without feeling too overwhelmed with the sudden change.

Follow the Nutrition Plate Template with Fully Prepared Meals

Fully prepared meals are one of the best ways to switch up your eating habits and follow a balance. The nutrition plate template is a great guideline to help you understand if you’re consuming healthy amounts. This way, you can focus on meal prep services that meet these requirements.

Your Guide to Keeping Fresh Meal Delivery Kits Safe

One of the best things about meal prep services is that you can stock up on recipes in a single purchase. With some subscriptions, you can have meals prepared for an entire month!

But with all the food you have stocked, you might wonder how you can make them last. This way, you can enjoy them in their best quality and reduce the chances of food waste.

Keep reading to learn how to maintain fresh meal delivery kits, even after weeks or months!

Follow Proper Storage Guidelines

If you want to keep your meal kits safe to eat for a long time, the first step is to store them according to your provider’s guidelines. Some recommend putting them in the fridge, but others might require you to freeze them.

Fully prepared meals are made to last long, but other factors may cause it to go bad sooner. Be sure you go through these instructions carefully to prevent any major alterations to your meals.

Consider Ingredient Shelf Life

Food’s shelf life varies based on its condition and how you store it. The same principle applies to meal delivery kits.

Are you leaving it in the pantry or freezing it? Is it fresh or prepackaged? It’s important to identify these to help understand how long they can last and what you can do to extend it.

Here’s a brief look at ingredient shelf life under different circumstances.


Leaving fresh ingredients or meals in the pantry or countertop doesn’t mean they will spoil instantly. They can usually last a few hours, while produce can stand up to a few days.

Most recommend against this for long-term storage due to the chances of quicker spoilage, especially with ingredients that can’t survive at room temperature.


Keeping food in the fridge is one of the most common ways to store ingredients and meals. Doing this can help them last anywhere from a few days to weeks. You should also remember that your refrigerator’s temperature is crucial to get these results.

Produce will be good for up to a week while meat or seafood may only last a day or two unless they’re in a sealed bag. If you have dairy, you can expect them to last a week to two to six months.


Several studies have shown the effectiveness of preserving food by freezing. It mainly happens because freezing can help slow down the process of aging.

Through this, it retains the original quality and taste longer. At most, you can expect food to last anywhere from a month to a year at the right freezer temperature.

Keep in mind that some meals or ingredients may change consistency when frozen and thawed. So, be sure you understand these effects before putting them in the freezer.


According to the USDA, cooked food can last three to four days without spoiling. Refrigerating and freezing are a few ways to slow down the growth of bacteria.

Still, remember that it doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t go bad. You want to consider each ingredient and understand how soon it will take for them to spoil, as well as how much their consistency changes under different temperatures.

Move Prepared Meals Into Containers

Many recommend moving fresh meal delivery kits into airtight containers before refrigerating or freezing. This way, it maintains the condition of the food better. It also helps you preserve your meal if it comes in simple packaging during the initial delivery.

Enjoy Fresh Meal Delivery Kits Every Time with These Tips

Understanding shelf life and preservation processes is the key to maintaining fresh meal delivery kits. It’s a great way to get the most out of your meals and keep a large stock of them at home without worrying about quality or flavor changes. So, you can be ready for months to come or any surprise guests at home!

Tips to Get the Best Value with Online Meal Prep Services

Generally, meal delivery kits can help you save time and energy while enjoying healthy and fun recipes. And with the right tips, you can get even more out of each meal!

You can make the switch to online meal prep services one of the best ways to get a good value for money. All it takes is knowing the right tricks around it. Here are a few helpful tips!

Pick a Provider Fits Your Needs Best

Online meal prep services will vary, one way or another. If you want to maximize them, it’s best to pick a provider that fits your needs and preferences.

For example, if you’re vegan, you want a service that allows you to customize the recipes you get based on this diet. You can also consider other factors when finding the ideal meal provider, like nutritional value, variety, and quality.

Order More Meals to Keep Serving Costs Low

When you start a meal delivery kit subscription, there’s one thing you should keep in mind: the more kits you order, the lower the price per serving will be. So, a longer subscription or bulk purchase can save you more in the long run.

Note that you don’t have to follow a strict schedule with your meal delivery kits. Let’s say you’re having friends and family come over. You can serve these meals during then to save on extra expenses while giving your guests more food options.

Consider Add-ons and Sides

Meal delivery kits offer more than a one-time dish. In some cases, they have a few add-ons for each meal, like drinks, snacks, or ingredients.

With these extras, you can get creative with the way you portion and consume each serving. Moreover, it helps you make every meal kit last longer.

You can also think outside the box with the way you choose which recipes to eat. The more add-ons you have, the easier it will be to pair other ingredients with other meal kits. This way, you can maximize the variety and nutritional content of your dishes.

Be Strategic with Every Meal

The average household tends to waste over 30% of food, especially when you have lots of ingredients that spoil within a short time. While buying meal kits helps you save on costs, it’s important to be strategic with what you eat and when.

If you have meal delivery kits coming in, you can move your weekly grocery run to a few days before you run out of meals.

At the same time, identify which ingredients in your meal kits are likely to have a shorter shelf life. This way, you can start with meals that are likely to spoil first.

Look Into Promotions

Some online meal prep services offer discounts on your first purchase, while others have a referral program you can try. Take your time to go through the website or FAQ for details about any ongoing promotions. With this, you can boost your cost savings while you test the service.

Get the Most Out of Online Meal Prep Services

Online meal prep services are great if you’re looking for a convenient way to prepare dishes without spending hours in the kitchen. But aside from this, you can maximize the benefits by being strategic with it. This way, you can have more meals for longer days for a lower cost!

How to Choose a Prepared Meal Delivery Service as a Picky Eater

Being a picky eater is beyond eating simple. In reality, it’s choosing to eat only what you already know rather than exploring beyond those tastes.

Because of this, it may take longer to decide on a prepared meal delivery service. Even so, it’s not impossible when you have the right tips to kick off your search.

Here’s what you can look out for when you want to try meal delivery kits as a picky eater.

Complete the Food Plate

One thing about meal delivery kits is that you are likely to get the complete food plate with every meal. Still, as a picky eater, you might have trouble choosing your dishes.

It helps to know the basics of the food plate. This way, you can make sure each meal has the right balance of nutrients. Usually, your grains and protein should each take up a fourth of the meal’s portion, while veggies and fruits take up the other half.

Furthermore, it can help you learn how to eat properly balanced meals. Evidence suggests that individuals who use meal-kit services are likely to eat healthier than those who don’t. So, you get to slowly work your way out of your food comfort zone.

Diverse Meal Options

You want to pick a prepared meal delivery service that gives you a broad range of options, from flavors to cuisines. The more variety they offer, the more likely you can find something within your comfort zone without worrying about having the same dish each time.

For example, The Fresh Plan offers a different set of meals for all days of the month. You also have the option to choose your calorie plan if you’re on a specific diet.

With this diversity, you can take your time to explore your choices and make a decision you’re confident with!

Customizable Tastes

If you’re getting meal delivery kits that are pre-portioned instead of cooked, you have the freedom to customize the recipe to your liking. Otherwise, you may want to consider a meal delivery service that allows you to customize your plan.

Some options allow you to personalize each dish according to your specific eating preferences or diet restrictions. It can include vegan, keto, or high-protein meals among others.

Familiar Ingredients

As a picky eater, it feels best to start with ingredients you’re familiar with when you get a meal kit subscription. So, you want to take your time to look into the recipes or content of each dish.

Doing this also gives you an idea of what to expect when it comes to tastes. This way, you can start with a plan that offers the type of food you prefer before you step into other categories.

Find a Prepared Meal Delivery Service for Picky Eaters

Even picky eaters can enjoy a prepared meal delivery service when they find the right one for them. It helps to start by making sure they offer nutritionally balanced meals, diverse tastes, customization, and familiarity. This way, you can gradually learn to eat food beyond your comfort zone.

How to Save Time in the Morning with Fully Prepared Meals

Have you ever had days where you felt like you didn’t have enough time in the morning? Perhaps you need to leave the house early or preparing meals just takes too much time. If that’s the case, fully prepared meals are the way to go!

With meal delivery kits, you can save time in the morning before you head out of the house without worrying about your meals. Still, you might wonder how these kits can help you.

Here are a few ways fully prepared meals can save you time, effort, and even money!

Get Them Ready-to-Eat

One of the best things about fully prepared meals is that you can purchase your kits ready-to-eat. It means you only need to heat it before you enjoy your dish. So, you can buy them ahead of time and set them aside for later.

These ready-to-eat meals are ideal for individuals who don’t have the time to cook during the day or aren’t too familiar with cooking. At the same time, it’s a great introduction to healthy eating for those looking into certain eating habits.

Plan Your Meals Ahead

A helpful and effective way to save time in the morning on preparing meals is by planning them ahead of time. If you’re getting meal delivery kits, you can choose your dishes or subscription plans and base your meals on the provided order.

Even so, you can mix them up if you feel like eating a specific dish on a different day. So, you want to choose subscriptions that give you a variety of dishes to choose from. This way, you can customize them yourself or ensure you get something different each day.

Go for Storable Options

You want to select a meal delivery kit service that offers you meals you can easily store. This way, you can save them for a later date, whether it’s a few days to a week after.

With fully prepared or ready-to-eat meals, you want to consider the ingredients to ensure you store them long enough that they remain fresh.

Food safety guidelines suggest keeping cooked food in the fridge for up to 3 to 4 days if you want to ensure it stays in top condition. If you want to keep them any longer, check the shelf life of each ingredient used.

Find Pre-Portioned Meals

Meal delivery kits can also come pre-portioned but uncooked. This way, you can save time preparing ingredients and portions while still having the freedom to cook them however you like.

Moreover, evidence shows that cooking from these kits can save up to 38% of food waste in the average household. So, you can get a better value for your money with fewer limits to the ingredients you use.

Save Time in the Morning with Meal Delivery Kits

If you’re busy, you might find yourself scrambling for time while you prepare meals at the start of your day or simply settling for takeout. Meal delivery kits are a great way to save you time in the morning while still getting a good amount of nutrition in a day. So, you can enjoy calm mornings, knowing you can maintain your health.

Understanding the Vegan Diet and How Vegan Meal Prep Services Help

These days, more people have been interested in changing their eating habits and lifestyle. The vegan diet is rather popular for reasons related to ethics, environment, and health.

But while it offers several benefits, it’s crucial to understand how the diet really works. Moreover, it’s good to know how vegan meal prep services contribute to this switch.

Let’s look into what you should know about a vegan diet and how meal delivery kits can help!

What is a Vegan Diet?

According to the 2023 statistics, about 6% of American adults are vegan. It’s also crucial to know that being vegan is not the same as being vegetarian.

Veganism focuses on excluding animal exploitation and cruelty in different forms. It includes food, clothing, and more. But when it comes to this diet, lots of people consider it because of its impacts on health, the environment, and ethics.

The following are some of the most common vegan diet types:

  • Raw food vegan: It involves cooking and eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and plant-based food below 118°F.
  • Whole food vegan: It’s a diet based on consuming various whole plant foods.
  • 80/10/10 diet: This type of diet limits fat-rich plants and mainly relies on raw fruits and soft greens.
  • Raw till 4: This is similar to the raw food vegan diet but you only adhere to it until 4 p.m.
  • HCLF diet: It focuses on eating carbs and consuming low amounts of fat and high-fat plant foods.
  • Junk food vegan: It’s a vegan diet that relies on mock meats, cheeses, and other foods rather than whole plant foods.

Health Benefits of Vegan Meals

Health is one of the top reasons people switch to a vegan diet. But you might wonder, how exactly does it help? Here’s a quick look at the top benefits.

Enhances Heart Health

Consuming more plant-based foods while reducing your intake of animal foods shows a reduced risk of heart disease. It may be because plant foods have more fiber and nutrients that are common for boosting heart health.

Moreover, a vegan diet allows you to moderate your calorie intake. So, you can reduce the chances of obesity and other conditions that lead to heart problems.

Reduces Cancer and Type 2 Diabetes Risks

Similarly, following a vegan diet is also found to reduce the risk of cancer because of the nutrients it offers.

The same applies to type 2 diabetes, primarily when the diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. It also improves blood sugar control through high fiber intake and weight loss.

Contributes to Weight Management

A vegan diet helps you lower your body mass index, making it effective for weight management while providing more macronutrients. Even so, it’s crucial to note that eating too much processed or high-fat plant-based foods can result in unhealthy weight gain.

More Focus on Nutrition

Going vegan helps you change your perspective on nutrition. You pay closer attention to the nutritional benefits you receive from food by learning about plant alternatives.

With this, you learn to take a healthier approach to food and focus on meals and ingredients that offer you exactly what you need.

How Do Vegan Meal Prep Services Help?

If you’re new to the diet, vegan meal prep services can help you keep up with the change. With The Fresh Plan, you can customize your meal kits according to your preference, whether it’s based on your calorie intake or specific diet.

Moreover, it gives you access to ingredients that will fit a vegan diet. So, you don’t have to spend hours looking up which foods to eat and avoid.

This way, you can get a head start on your new meal plans and start learning how to build it from there.

Get Into a New Diet with Vegan Meal Prep Services

Vegan meal prep services help you build your new eating habits with less effort. With a vegan diet, you have to avoid consuming animal products. But with meal delivery kits, you can easily get a head start on building the perfect meal plans for this lifestyle change!

Breaking Down Meal Delivery Kit Services: Do You Need It?

These days, lots of people have been using meal delivery kit services. According to statistics, about 90% of individuals recommend them to others.

But while they usually talk about the benefits, you might wonder about how it actually works and whether you make a great fit for it.

Knowing more about a meal prep service can help you decide if it fits your lifestyle. So, here’s a brief breakdown of what these services are about and how to tell if it works for you.

Do You Need a Meal Prep Service?

Anyone can get a meal delivery kit service whenever they want, for whatever reason. But if you’re not convinced with its benefits, it helps to understand how you make a great candidate.

Aside from having the budget, you may want to consider getting a subscription if:

You Lack Time

Not everyone has enough time in a day to buy and prepare ingredients, on top of cooking and setting it up. If you find yourself heating leftovers or buying takeout more than usual due to lack of time, a meal delivery kit service can help you enjoy healthy and hearty dishes despite this concern.

You Aren’t Home Often

If you’re more outgoing than busy, you probably don’t have enough time to shop for ingredients, let alone prepare them. Some fully prepared meal plans only require you to store and heat the food when you’re ready. So, you can spend hours outside and still come home to a good meal!

You Prefer Quick Solutions

The average household can spend about 40 minutes to an hour preparing meals daily. That makes up for about 7 hours in a week or more, which is a lot of time for some people.

Meal delivery kits come pre-portioned or ready-to-eat, meaning you can not only cut down on costs but also time spent making your food. This makes it ideal if you’re rather fond of quick and practical solutions.

You Dislike Food Waste

Food waste can amount to approximately 40% of the entire food supply in the country. It usually happens for various reasons, including misunderstanding expiration dates or improper storage.

You can reduce how much food waste you contribute with the help of a meal prep service. It’s because they pre-portion each dish, allowing you to consume only what you need. This way, you won’t have to deal with a fridge full of last night’s leftovers.

You Enjoy Food Diversity

If you’re the type of person who enjoys exploring different cuisines and recipes, a meal delivery kit service can offer exactly that. It comes with a range of customization options, allowing you to experience different meals every time. So, you can satisfy your foodie cravings all for a great cost.

How Does a Meal Delivery Kit Service Work?

Generally, meal delivery kit services are subscriptions or one-time bulk purchases of pre-made meals. These come in the form of dishes that are packed and ready to serve or pre-portioned with recipe cards for easier preparation.

They usually offer customization options that allow you to stick to a specific calorie range, diet plan, or ingredient list. This way, it can cater to different tastes or dietary needs.

Moreover, you can choose among different meal plans according to your preference. With this, you can pick the food you’re comfortable with while exploring new ones.

In Summary

A meal delivery kit service benefits almost everyone with the benefits it offers, from saving time and money to providing diversity and convenience. Even so, it helps to know whether you’re an ideal candidate by learning who it works best for. Doing so not only gives you a better idea of the service’s perks but also lets you understand the value of meal prep.

The Best Breakfast Meals You Can Get in Delivery Kits

The discourse on whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day still keeps people wondering to this day. But with the right ingredients, it can give you the energy to start your day.

Furthermore, evidence shows that regular breakfast meals give individuals the proper vitamins and minerals to reduce the risk of certain diseases.

With The Fresh Plan, you can get recipes that offer exactly what you need in the morning! So, let’s look into the best breakfast meals you can get with their service.

What Ingredients Work Well for Breakfast?

There’s no limit to what you can have for breakfast. In most cases, it varies based on your preference or the ingredients available to you.

When picking your recipes, you want to be sure they offer the right balance of nutrients while giving you an energy boost and helping you feel full longer. Here are a few suggestions.


Eggs are one of the most popular breakfast staples for lots of reasons. Not only does it work great with several tasty recipes, but it’s also a great source of protein and other nutrients.

A study also shows that eggs can promote fullness better than other typical breakfast foods due to their high protein content. So, it’s also a common choice for the best breakfast meals for weight loss and muscle gain.


Next to eggs, oatmeal comes in as the second most used ingredient in breakfast recipes while offering lots of nutritional benefits. It contains a good amount of protein and fiber, making it ideal for feeling fuller and lowering cholesterol levels.

Other whole grains also make a great morning meal, such as whole-wheat bread or quinoa. These contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and B vitamins that supply your body with energy.

Greek Yogurt

Although Greek yogurt feels more like a treat, it’s a great source of protein and calcium. So, it helps you keep your guts and immune system in top condition while keeping you full.

One of the best things about Greek yogurt is its versatility. You can eat it alone, topped with berries, or mixed in with oats for extra nutritional value.


Anything from blueberries to blackberries offers you high fiber and low calories, making it a great addition to your breakfast meal. Studies also show that the antioxidants in berries can lower the risk of heart attacks in women, as well as other diseases.

Frozen berries are just as nutritious as fresh ones. So, you can find a variety and use them in cereals or smoothies with other fruits.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese, like eggs, is known for being a protein powerhouse. It means you can keep yourself full for a while when you have it with your breakfast meal.

Next to its nutritional benefits, it also works great with different recipes. So, you can use it to top off a sweet treat or add more flavor to a savory dish.


Not a lot of people think of adding greens to their usual breakfast, but it works great for your first meal of the day. With spinach, you can improve heart health and get a good amount of vitamin A and other nutrients. Moreover, it’s versatile enough to go with eggs and grains or mixed in a smoothie!


Different kinds of nuts offer an array of nutrients, like magnesium, potassium, fiber, protein, and several antioxidants. With this, it can help with fullness and weight management and promote brain health.

A review finds that eating at least a handful of nuts per day can reduce the risk of disease and other health issues. However, despite the benefits, you should be wary if you have a nut allergy.

Meal Delivery Kit Breakfast Dishes

With a meal prep service, you can customize your morning dishes based on your preference or choice of ingredients. The Fresh Plan offers some of the best breakfast meals for energy and overall health, such as the following.

  • Muffin and Egg: This contains a whole-wheat English muffin with a poached egg.
  • Berry Parfait: It includes rolled oats topped with sweeteners, zests, and berries in Greek yogurt.
  • Bagel and Cheese: This recipe uses a whole-wheat bagel with a berry and cream cheese filling.
  • Spinach and Feta Quiche: It contains potato, egg, and spinach with a side of fruits.
  • Almond Yogurt: This Greek yogurt recipe contains oats, almonds, and fruits on the side.

Get Healthy with the Best Breakfast Meals from Delivery Kits

Food prep services offer some of the best breakfast meals since they focus on balancing health and flavor. So, you can find yourself enjoying unique dishes with the right ingredients every time. It gives you the energy you need and improves your overall body health!