Home delivery meal kits offer several benefits, from convenience to saving time. At the same time, it allows you to enjoy healthy and hearty meals.
But one thing most people overlook when ordering these kits is whether to get them weekly or monthly. With about 30% to 40% of food going to waste in the average household, you want to consider getting as much as you need without too much hassle.
So, here’s a quick guide on what to consider before deciding if you want to get meal kits delivered to you weekly or monthly.
Storage Space
The first thing you should look out for is the amount of storage space you have at home. Meal kits come in bulk, and even more so when you live with other people. So, it’s crucial to have enough fridge and pantry space for them.
Keep in mind that some fully prepared meals come cooked. While it’s the most convenient, it means you have to store them in the fridge to avoid spoilage. You can also look into the ingredients to ensure it doesn’t contain anything that would go bad too quickly.
If you aren’t sure about how much space you have, take your time to clean or clear up your space. This way, you can gauge how many kits it can handle.
Value for Money
When you look for the best meal prep service, one thing you want to look at is the cost. Some tend to offer a cheaper price per serving when you get a longer subscription or order additional kits, allowing you to boost your savings.
Even so, you want to consider whether their meals offer good value for money, especially when it comes to the portions and ingredients.
Recipe Variety
The meals you get from your provider may or may not be the same every time. While most services offer different options, it’s good to know how many recipes they have available. If you’re leaning towards a monthly subscription, check their menu to see if you might get duplicate meal kits on different days.
Most recommend a plan that offers a different meal for every day of the month to keep you interested. At the same time, it gives you more options to choose from when you decide to go for a weekly plan instead.
Household Servings
The amount of servings you need will determine how often you can place orders. It’s because more servings will take up more space in your home or affect what recipes you can get.
For example, if you live with five other people, you need at least 15 meal kits in a day. In this case, monthly delivery would be hard to handle due to the amount of kits to store and manage throughout.
Find Out When to Subscribe to Home Delivery Meal Kits
You can enjoy lots of benefits with home delivery meal kits. But beyond this, it’s important to know whether it’s best to subscribe to it weekly or monthly. By understanding this, you can prepare your space accordingly while reducing the amount of food that goes to waste!