Do you run out of time to prepare your meals during the day? Maybe you’re a busy individual or perhaps you tend to take too long in the kitchen. Whichever it is, you might want to consider these tips.
The average person spends almost an hour in the kitchen preparing meals. If you have lots on your plate already, this is more time than you think.
So, what can you do to reduce your meal prep time? Consider the following tips to get started!
Prepare Recipes Early
An easy way to cut the time you spend in the kitchen is to prepare your recipes early. It means knowing exactly what steps to follow and what ingredients to use.
Having this list is a good place to start if you want to come into the kitchen extra prepared. So, you won’t have to worry about spending hours deciding or scrolling through different recipes for the same dish.
You can also choose to prepare the ingredients themselves, from chopping them up to separating them according to the right portions. This way, you would only have to put it together later.
Choose Pre-Made Meals
Buying pre-made meals is a quick and easy way to cut down on meal prep time. It’s because you only need to pick among the dishes you like and store them until it’s time for a meal.
Keep in mind that you can get these in convenience stores or online through meal delivery services. In some cases, you can also buy them in bulk and choose your meals based on specific diet plans or restrictions.
When choosing pre-made meals, remember that storage is crucial. So, you should make sure you have a place to store them, especially for the long term.
Use a Meal Prep Service
A meal prep service is one of the best ways to reduce the amount of time you spend on meal prep. With this, you can cut your worries by a lot since the service takes care of everything related to food preparation!
Using a meal prep service means they decide on your meal plan for the day or week, making sure it fits your specific needs or diet. At the same time, it keeps everything pre-portioned to reduce food waste after every meal.
Another great thing about it is that you don’t have to spend hours making meals since you can get them with prepared ingredients or pre-cooked.
Plan Your Meals Ahead
If you’re still a fan of adding a personal touch to your meals, it helps to plan them ahead of time. It means deciding on what recipes to use and try for the rest of the week.
Although you still have to prepare the ingredients and work on cooking, you won’t have to spend too long scrolling for recipes.